Measuring Your Recovery From Orthopaedic Care

Why Will You Measure My Foot and Ankle Recovery?

To ensure that we deliver the best quality of orthopaedic care, The London Foot and Ankle Clinic measures the change in our patients’ health following surgical and non-surgical orthopaedic interventions.

Only by collecting this information are we able to fully understand what effect (if any) our treatment has.

In the long term, this data helps us (the orthopaedic specialists) and our patients to make informed decisions about the best possible treatment plans. After all, they will be based on the best available evidence.

How Will You Measure My Foot and Ankle Recovery?

You will be asked to give details regarding pain levels and ability to carry out certain activities via an online questionnaire.

The change in your pain and activity levels before and after treatment will be measured and your consultant will monitor this and discuss with you. This is what is meant by measuring clinical outcomes.

Do I Have To Take Part?

There is no compulsion or legal obligation to take part. Your participation will, however, help us to deliver the best quality of orthopaedic care, patient safety and clinical excellence.

It will also give us a better understanding of what effect the orthopaedic treatment has had on you and it will allow us to monitor the recovery from your foot and ankle condition.

You will be asked to consent to the collection of clinical outcomes at the beginning of the process. You can choose to remove your consent at anytime.

What Do I Need To Do If I Want To Take Part?

At the time of your consultation you will be asked to give consent for participation in the collection of clinical scores. At your first appointment your consultant will need your email address which will allow you to enroll on to the web based system (Pro One) via your own personalised patient portal.

After your initial clinic appointment you will be sent an email a few days later, which will ask questions about your pain and activity levels. At set intervals (6 months, 1 year, 2 years and 5 years) following your procedure you will be sent an email with the same questions.

Completing these questionnaires is simple, quick and incredibly important. You can access your patient portal via a smartphone, a tablet or a PC.

Who Else Will See This Data?

None of your personal identifiable data will be used or shared by any third party.

Your clinical data may be shared anonymously with national organisations such as the British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society to help analyse interventions and assess their efficacy.