October 27, 2016
It is a strong, rubbery, flexible tissue with the lowest coefficient of friction known to man. Thus when two bits of cartilage slide over each other there is practically no friction, which means no wear or tear. Unfortunately the cartilage that you have in your body was the cartilage you were born with and the cartilage you will take to the grave. Our bodies cannot make new cartilage. Damage to cartilage results in arthritis.
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Midfoot fusion (after failed lisfranc operation) 18 months on starting to hurt again. Can it be damaged from too much walking or as it is fused it is secure. ?
Having had both ankles fused as a result of Avascular Necrosis of the Talus I am now pain free and wish I had not waited so long - I can walk, drive, cycle (not wild off roading as before). I cannot run distances so jogging for me is out. I have some tight feeling around the ankles but not pain. It is important to follow the recovery instructions and not go weight bearing until absolutely ready. You don't really have a second chance here but it was well worth it 12months in. Thanks Ahmad
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tel: +44 (0) 203 7956053
Mon - Fri (8am-8pm) Sat (9am - 5pm)